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Friday, January 8, 2010


Shattered soldier in the middle of nowhere
with a body tattered of forgotten kisses
battered every inch from the waist up and down
and that is how, I go into

Taking the cowards way out is out of the question
it's not part of the equation.

I live in no man's land, setting up
tent above a land mine
ready to go off with what's little
left of me.

I am a victim of my own friendly fire,
a masochistic hitman for hire,
carry me in your arms and out in of
this bloody battlefield
that came to life right after your

I held myself for ramson,
on the same chair made of your
where the untamed odor of your skin remained
and the fragmented pieces of my flesh where deserted,
left for the vultures of oblivion,
facing a firing squad and it was myself pulling the trigger
in the darkest of dawns painting the air in blood,
like finger painting from my son,
I went into battle with myself to rescue my own soul.

I went into battle without ammo, with
love poems in my pocket
so I can set a bone fire
to keep me warm during the long
dreadful nights,
where not a single star came out to
shine ,
just the faithful moon which reminds me of you
so either way my fate was doomed
in this unrelentless battle for my
blindfolded with no cigar,
I never wanted to lose.